...Jeff and I are in France and I brought a small rock from your exhibit here with me. Jeff has one as well. We're competing in the hang gliding world championships. Our flights over here have been ineffable. We're in a region called the Haute Alps with famed peaks to the north.
...Your rock has been resting in my harness and I knew yesterday would likely give me the conditions to fly over a fitting resting place for the rock. I'm sure few, if any human feet have ever been in this area.
Words simply cannot describe the rugged, forbidding beauty of the peaks where I dropped the rock.

An account of where I dropped the rock is here: http://www.willswing.com/blogs/PilotBlogs/tabid/38/EntryId/73/The-Rosenstein-Project.aspx

Jeff O'Brien
July 1, 2009
Haute Alps, France